Always with Brolli, they create the series focused on another investigator, Alan Hassad, published in the Orient Express magazine from 1982. Baldazzini was the co-founder of the penguin fanzine in 1980, for which he created the character of the investigator Ronnie Fumoso using the texts written by Daniele Brolli. Roberto Baldazzini is a draftsman, author, painter and designer. There are 2 similar (related) artists for Roberto Baldazzini available:

Roberto Baldazzini has 1 artist signature examples available in our database. askART lists Roberto Baldazzini in 0 of its research Essays. Galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Roberto Baldazzini as either "Wanted" or "For Sale"

There are 0Īrtworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers askART's database currently holds 19 auction lots for Roberto Baldazzini (of whichĤ auction records sold and 4 are upcoming at auction.)Īrtist artworks for sale and wanted. In 2017, the Korero Press in London dedicated a reasoned catalog in E In addition to portraying women with a disturbing sensuality, transsexual characters are among the protagonists of his main works, as in the case of the saga Casa HowHard and Beba - The 110 pumps. In 1995 he began his historic collaboration with the erotic comic book magazine Blue. The artist also works in the field of advertising (he created the national campaigns of TIM, Erg and Ax.) of design (Sottsass) and illustration (Vanity, Marie Claire). The first female character created by Baldazzini is Stella Noris based on texts by Lorena Canossa. Roberto Baldazzini (21st century) is known for Draftsman, Author, Painter, and Designer "Penguine Fanzine" and Erotic Comics.